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Case | Yufeng Intelligent storage and distribution logistics system solution helps "inspection, storage and distribution integrated base" improve quality and efficiency Jun 01, 2024

1. Project background

With the sharp increase in the demand for power supplies caused by power transformation and upgrading, the storage cycle of materials has become shorter, the turnover rate has accelerated, and the frequency of incoming and outgoing warehouses has increased. The traditional material management model can no longer adapt to the needs of development and construction, and there is an urgent need to reform the business model. Innovation and digitalization of business management. To this end, State Grid is on the new journey of building an internationally leading energy Internet enterprise with Chinese characteristics, deepening quality and efficiency improvement, achieving high-quality development, actively promoting the construction of integrated inspection, storage and distribution bases in terms of material management, and building and improving material quality. Testing center, forming an integrated testing center and warehousing base. Against this background, a power company in Shandong, based on the establishment of an intelligent storage and distribution logistics system, strives to achieve intelligent and informatized material operations through the application of automation system technology in the power material logistics supply chain, and to control equipment and material storage in real time. This eliminates the need for manual interaction between the warehousing operation level and the Internet information level.

2. Solution

Yufeng Intelligent considers customer needs, industry characteristics, material specifications and other aspects, adheres to the digital and intelligent design and development concepts, and uses "four-way shuttle intensive storage + miniload light-weight high-speed stacker Crane Automated Warehouse storage + WCS system + "Multiple logistics equipment coordinated transportation" as the overall solution for the project, realizing the intelligent storage and distribution operation mode of light and heavy materials of this power company.

The four-way shuttle intensive storage area integrates storage and sorting. The four-way shuttle cooperates with the heavy-duty stacker crane to achieve rapid operation in six dimensions, comprehensively improving the efficiency and accuracy of logistics operations; scattered light materials use miniload light-duty stacking crane, which combined with the light roller conveyor line, realizes "goods-to-person" picking, further improving material automation, intelligent production lines and unmanned warehousing.

Based on the characteristics of a wide variety of power materials and diversified storage needs, the manipulator system is equipped with a 3D vision camera, breaking through the limitations of traditional automated single depalletizing usage scenarios, solving the industry's problem of disassembling bagged materials, and matching multiple automatic and rapid replacement. The fixture can realize "one-to-many" efficient picking, palletizer work, and completely integrate the four-way shuttle warehouse and the reciprocating hoist automated warehouse.

3. Customer benefits/application value

Digital management

The Vena system cooperates with the WCS system to track the flow of each warehousing material in real time, search the location of each warehousing material in real time, and implement the Tonghua Communication upper-level command system to realize the warehousing digitization, visualization, and leanness of the entire process; allowing decision-makers and management. The layer and operation layer can efficiently collaborate and manage, greatly improving the efficiency, accuracy and safety of material storage, and further strengthening the State Grid's warehousing management and material support capabilities.

Warehousing visualization and refined management

Achieving inventory information sharing can maximize inventory adjustments and provide a convenient means to optimize inventory structure; planners can accurately grasp the amount of available resources, fully mobilize inventory in various locations according to the planned gap, and efficiently allocate material resources to ensure the supply of production materials. Under the premise of reducing inventory to the maximum extent and reducing the occupation of inventory funds, it can also avoid repeated purchases, reduce the backlog of materials, and make the inventory structure tend to a more reasonable state.

Yufeng Intelligent will continue to optimize and innovate, deepen the integrated implementation plan of "inspection, storage and distribution", promote the development of new smart supply chain platforms, and contribute its wisdom and capabilities to the construction of new power systems and digital transformation of the State Grid.

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